How to change the address we have on file for you

Spaceships Crew!
Last Updated: 6 months ago

If your address has changed and you need to update it with us, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact Us:

    Please remember to provide your reservation number when contacting us.

  2. Address Requirements:

    • You do not need an Australian address to hire a vehicle from us.

    • Avoid using a hostel or hotel address, as they may not be able to receive or forward mail to you.

    • You can provide an overseas address or the address of a parent or friend, as long as someone can manage your post.

  3. Important Notes:

    • We will notify you via email about any infringements or issues. If we receive an infringement for you, we will send you an email from

    • The address we have on file for you is crucial for handling infringements, which may be sent out a couple of months after your drop-off. Please remember to inform us if your address changes.

    • Fines are sent via post by the issuing authorities, so a valid address is essential to ensure you receive them. Once you receive an email from us about a fine, please make sure to check your post.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

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